Saturday, March 17, 2012

Upid-Head Pinterest won't cooperate....

Good Saturday Morning! I've been dinking around the internet while trying to keep my passion for shopping under control. I gave myself a budget this year, broken down by quarter. So far, I notice it helps keep me focused on what I actually need; and a little bit of what I just plain old want. Since I'm working hard on NOT shopping again until May, I'm trying to figure out what will be most useful in the Summer months ahead -- paper, embellies, tools.... The only thing I will let myself be loosey goosey in spending is adhesive. Since I seem to craft in fits and spurts, I'm not worried about it. Well, that, and I recently learned my husband owns a glue gun and ginormous sticks. We've had a couple laughs about that last part; but I've fallen for his adhesive stash.

Anyway, there is a point to this post. One of the spendy decisions I've committed to is the acquirement of one cartridge each quarter. My original thought was to create a Pinterest board to keep them all organized. Okay, my REAL original thought was to create a list in my planner; only I have no reminder pics to go with that list....and I forgot that I pull the daily notes out for the month once it has ended. Not terribly useful on the go, is it? So, I made a board; only I can't get the hornswaggled images to POST to the hornswaggled board!!!!!!!!

Tell me, what do you think of these?

It's a little bit of everything. Practical for sure.

I just like food.

My son is becoming a B-O-Y BOY. Monsters and aliens are starting to creep out of the wood work.

Another general Summer cartridge.

This has a ton more monsters than the previous one; plus dimensional bags, cartooney jack-o-lanterns, etc.

I think I have an irrational need for robots.

We go to at least two carnivals each Summer.

It just has loads of adorable little fellars doing a lot of adorable little things.

I think there were ten others calling my name, but they were more Autumnal or just plain ol' cute. What would you lean toward?

Also, I've started thinking. It's a dangerous thing, for sure, but I've done it all the same.

When I started this blog, it was with the intent of improving my crafty skills and occasionally wishing to be part of specific Design Teams. While I still love improving my skills, I no longer wish to be part of a DT... at least not right now. I'd like to make this a more general blog. I'll still make crafty posts, but I'd like to write about my cancer journey. I'd like to share my thoughts and adventures toward a more healthy lifestyle. I used to dabble in poetry and fiction; maybe I could try that again. Maybe. I'd also like to ramble about the adventures of raising this child. He's a hoot and three-quarters! If you're willing to hang through that much random reflecting and pontificating, then I'd love to have you here.

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